School Main Building
1) The school charges fee for 10 months to be paid in 4 (four) Installments.
2) It must be paid regularly before the date given of the month by the school.
st Installment:At the time of Admission
2nd Installment:Before 10th September
3rd Installment:Before 10th December
4th Installment:Before 10th March
3) Fee card should be brought along at the time of payment of fee. Fee is collected Monday to Friday 9.30 am to 3.00 pm and Saturday 9.30 am to 12 o' clock.
4) No deduction in the fee is made for any period of non attendance.
5) Fee receipts must be retained and produced as proof of the payment if needed.
6) All fees are non refundable.
7) Bus fee should be paid monthly by the parents.
8) For late payment of fees late fee of 10/- per day will be charged.
9)Fees may also be paid in advance. However, Fee for succeeding months will not be accepted unless fee for all preceding month has been paid.
1) The school hold regular tests and examination throughout the academic year.
2) The progress report and paper file shall be shown to the parents after each examination. They should make inquiries if the report little is not shown to them by the school.
3) The student is absent from an examination for any reason will not be re-examined.